Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Welcome to For Keeps Sake Photography's New Blog

Welcome to the first posting from For Keeps Sake Photography
in a new format.  The year of 2018 turned out to be a year of transition for my photography work. After dumping the expense of my web domain, and following the lead of many solo photographers, I can now move forward with offering better digital packages for my clients and more social media exposure.  I am looking forward to 2019 with anticipation of the adventures the Lord has in store for me as he guides me through each photography session. 

While many of you know my work from the beginning in Aiken, SC and the CSRA, it has been great to begin reaching new friends and clients here in the Lake Murray area.  I appreciate each of you that continue to share my name and recommend my work to others.  You are my best advertising for sure.

With a grateful heart ~ Pam

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